Thursday, April 16, 2009

Belgium, Boston and Beer Wars

Three Things to Mention:

1. Head out to Belgian Night in NYC this Saturday at 4pm. I am teaming up with CityDusk ( and Ale Street News ( to bring a night of mussels, chocolate and, of course, delicious brews. Many tasty and hard-to-find Belgian-style American beers will be poured and the fine folks at Ale Street will be on-hand to chat about the great nation of Belgium and, of course, great beers.

2. An article I wrote, Boston Kicks Cask, is featured in the Online Exclusives section of the Ale Street News website. Be a doll and check it out.

3. In case you missed out on this evening’s one time only showing of Beer Wars, there wasn’t much new information to ingest. The film was a well-done portrayal of the beer industry in this country (i.e. Big Beer, or InBev-AB and Miller-Coors-SAB own the lion’s share of the American beer market and the little guys are working hard to bring quality products to customers).

The film was written and directed by Anat Baron and portrays the war for consumer dollars with a David vs. Goliath spin. It gets a bit campy at times—showing Dogfish Head Sam Calagionebrewer with his wife and children while he laments about the possibility of losing everything—but overall is pretty thought provoking.

I feel that anything that gets people thinking about the beer they are buying is a definite positive. A big kudos goes to Ben Stein for running the Q-and-A session after the film. He definitely deserves credit for getting a distinct group of brewers, beer insiders and industry professionals to voice there strong opinions and not just happily agree with one another all the time. Beer geeks and evangelists often overlook the fact that craft beer is a business and at the end of the day, if money is not made then the beer will stop flowing.

Crack open a bottle, keep an open mind and know a bit about what you are drinking.

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