Monday, March 9, 2009

Local 2

Just in case you had something important to do, you may have not noticed the release of Brooklyn Breweries Local 2 last Friday. Although the beer has been available sporadically for about two weeks, Friday marked the official release date and coincided with a launch party at the brewery in Williamsburg.

The fiesta was rife with an eclectic mix of casual drinkers, local beer aficionados and a six-year-old child or two (Brooklyn Brewery is a family establishment after all). President Steve Hindy and brew master Garret Oliver were even present to speak although I got out of work late and wasn’t able to hear them. Despite my misfortune, I tasted the ambrosia and got to speak to Garret a bit about the long journey Local 2 took from idea to brew.

Local 2 is a much darker beverage than Local 1. It is brewed with dark sugars, local NY honey and a secret array of spices. It pours opaque with a tan, caramel colored head with a hint of spiciness in the aroma. It’s much heavier than Local 1, and has a pronounced chewy, almost bread like feel. Bubbling forth from my classy Brooklyn Brewery goblet, Local 2 is a sight to behold. Congrats to the brewery for another great beer! Definitely pick up a bottle when you can, there aren’t many American made 100% bottle fermented beers out there.

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