Thursday, May 22, 2008

San Sebastian Day 4 - I found France

After the beautiful disaster that was the sideria we all slept in and relaxed while checking out of the room. I packed up my bag and hung around in the kitchen chatting with the terrible, swamp creature-like scented but warm-hearted woman who ran the hostel. She was cooking some slender clam-ish things I never saw before and as soon as I inquired what they were, she heated up a pan and made me a large plate. She called them navajas. They resemble long, black mussels and taste similar to clams. When I finished these, she gave me some bread to soak up the tasty sea-creature juice and a plate of tomato salad. I offered to clean the dishes but she violently dismissed the idea and kicked me out of the kitchen.

When we finally left San Sebastian, the five of us head over the border to Biarritz, a charming little French beach town. We were only there for a few hours, but in honor of my first time in France I ate a crepe and had a beer.

Both were delicious and I once I stay in France for a little time (I’m off to Paris in a week) I’ll be able to comment on the food more in depth. Until then, ¡Buen Provecho!

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