Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The land of fish and rain

I wanted to share some photos from the actual Camino so you guys can get an idea of what this rainy, seafood blessed land looks like. It really seems more like Ireland than Spain, full of light haired, blue eye Gallego speaking farmers. I highly recommend the trip to anyone; you live out of a backpack for anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months, share amazing times with amazing people and I guarantee you'll never forget it.

A typical trail. Normally we were being pelted with rain--our running jokes was that there is no happiness in Gallicia, only rain--but this was a rare 20 minutes without the wet stuff.
Ancient bridges allowed us access to towns full of ancient people.

¡Que Vistas!

This is La Catedral, the main pilgrim destination in Santiago. It looks amazing at night, but whenever I saw it lit up I was either too focused on getting to a restaurant, or too happy, full and tipsy afterwards to take a photo.

These shells speckle the entire trail. They tell pilgrims where to go and say how many kilometers are left in the trail. This lovely little shell reads "00.000 km." That's right, the end of the world.

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