Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Airplane Gourmand


Plane food makes me cringe. While I used to just bring a lunch aboard, strict and annoying regulations no longer allow me to enjoy eating 10,000 miles above the earth’s surface. Long trips are even worse—they call for multiple meals I am forced to shove down by order of my growling stomach.

Although the trip to Spain wasn’t terribly long, six hours in a plane was still a torture test. The cramped seats and stale air only contribute to my agitation. While thoughts of jamon, paella, and the delicious sea creatures that awaited me in Spain eased my troubled mind, they didn’t help my hungry stomach. When my small rectangular box of gruel finally arrived, I hungrily scarfed it down. I don’t know if it was my extreme hunger or the delusional effects of air travel, but the air bus chomps didn’t seem too horrible. Good thing Iberian Air includes a tasty morsel of Cabot cheese. Smart people despite the eh food.

Fortunately, real flavors are coming soon to assuage my taste buds. Better loosen my belt a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CABOT CHEESE!!!! I've never seen such a delight! They better have that when I come :)