Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dreaming of Gherkins

Unfortunately, I was unable to get off of work to attend the 8th annual Pickle Fest on Orchard Street today. Tomorrow I’m off to pick up a jar of Kosher Dills to ease the pain of waiting until next year. If you went, I hope you ate a pickle or two for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you had a facebook, you would know that pickles are my second favorite thing in the world (next to the teenwolves, of course) And i wish i had known about this pickle-fest of yours. Way to not exist, Justin. (i mean because of your lack of facebook...ness) Anywhoo, i found your info that fell out of my shirt at some point because my very good friend Lauren found it on your floor and kept it safe for me.

...probably could have just sent an email....
aw well.
you can try me at: