Thursday, April 17, 2008

A love letter to good bread

A special dedication to stone-ground flour, water, yeast, honey, salt and all the bakers who go to work at 1 in the morning and the kneaders who start their days at 4am.
I just received news via email that the bakery I worked in before I came to Spain has officially closed its doors. That’s it; the Great Harvest on Vestal Parkway is dunyuns.

I’m not going to lie; I am a little upset. I don’t understand how or why I became so enamored with food, but there was something about that bakery job that fed my cravings for working with the stuff. I was able to make cookies, brownies, muffins and delicious, delicious bread on a daily basis. This is in addition to the goof-balls I worked with, my great bosses and all the stupid stunts we pulled daily. I got pretty wasted with everyone at that store on more than one occasion and some pretty ridiculous things have gone down, I’m kind of bummed that it is all over.

I’m going to use this post to make a humble dedication to everyone I worked with at the bakery. Some people were ridiculous in a good way and others were ridiculous in a frighteningly horrible, but incredibly amusing sort of way. Everyone put up with my nonsense, my music selection, and my ability to ramble on about useless things so thanks to you all.

A special salute goes to my bosses Rick and Jen. The two decided to close the doors (to my heart) and are heading back West. Jen (literally) has a bun in the oven now so I hope all goes well with the tootle and I’m crossing my fingers they name him or her after me—I think Justin for a the boy and Yostina for the girl.

Thanks to everyone and I look forward to seeing all of you bakery-ites sometime in the future. Continue to eat delicious loafs, avoid sliced bread like the plague, get your co-workers to grow mustaches and don’t go to Panera…ever!

The stuff of my dreams.


Anonymous said...

I have also enjoyed the work of a bakery. Good bakeries come far apart, I delivered for good bakery back in Texas that turned asi asi. Keep your fond memories. You adventure in places I study, Good to see it via web. Cheers, Jeremy

Anonymous said...

sad, sad day

no one will miss jeff though